Wasabi Wallet - Privacy-Centric Bitcoin - us - wasabi wallet

Wasabi Wallet is a privacy-focused Bitcoin wallet designed to enhance the anonymity and fungibility of Bitcoin transactions. Launched in 2018, Wasabi Wallet has gained

Wasabi Wallet is a privacy-focused, open-source Bitcoin wallet designed to enhance the anonymity of Bitcoin transactions. Launched in 2018, Wasabi Wallet has gained popularity among users who prioritize privacy and seek to increase the fungibility of their Bitcoin holdings. In this guide, we'll explore the key features, functionalities, and security measures that make Wasabi Wallet stand out in the realm of privacy-centric Bitcoin wallets.

Key Features of Wasabi Wallet:

1. CoinJoin Transactions:

Wasabi Wallet employs a privacy-enhancing technique known as CoinJoin. CoinJoin allows multiple users to combine their Bitcoin transactions into a single transaction, making it challenging to trace individual funds. This process helps break the link between the input and output addresses, enhancing privacy.

2. Chaumian CoinJoin:

Wasabi Wallet implements a variation of CoinJoin called Chaumian CoinJoin, named after its creator David Chaum. This method adds an extra layer of privacy by using blind signatures, making it even more difficult to correlate input and output addresses.

3. Fungibility:

By facilitating CoinJoin transactions, Wasabi Wallet aims to improve the fungibility of Bitcoin. Fungibility ensures that each unit of a cryptocurrency is indistinguishable from another, preventing the tracking and discrimination of certain coins based on their transaction history.

4. Hierarchical Deterministic (HD) Wallets:

Wasabi Wallet supports HD wallets, allowing users to generate and manage an unlimited number of addresses from a single master seed. This feature simplifies the backup process and enhances wallet security.

5. Open-Source Development:

Wasabi Wallet is developed as open-source software. The transparency of its source code allows users and developers to audit the code for security vulnerabilities and verify that the wallet operates as intended.

6. Tor Integration:

To further enhance user privacy, Wasabi Wallet integrates with the Tor network. This integration ensures that users' IP addresses are concealed, adding an extra layer of anonymity to their Bitcoin transactions.

7. Non-Custodial:

Wasabi Wallet is a non-custodial wallet, meaning users have complete control over their private keys and funds. The wallet provider does not have access to user funds, reducing the risk of third-party control.

8. User-Friendly Interface:

Despite its advanced privacy features, Wasabi Wallet maintains a user-friendly interface. The wallet is designed to be accessible to both experienced users and those new to privacy-centric Bitcoin wallets.

Using Wasabi Wallet:

1. Installation:

Users begin by downloading and installing Wasabi Wallet on their chosen operating system (Windows, macOS, or Linux). The installation process is straightforward, and users are prompted to set up a wallet with a strong password.

2. CoinJoin:

The core feature of Wasabi Wallet is the CoinJoin transaction. Users can choose to participate in CoinJoin rounds, where multiple transactions are combined to enhance privacy. Each round typically requires a minimum number of participants.

3. HD Wallets:

Wasabi Wallet supports HD wallets, and users are provided with a mnemonic seed phrase during the wallet setup. This seed phrase serves as the backup, allowing users to recover their wallet if needed.

4. Tor Integration:

Users can enable Tor integration within Wasabi Wallet to route their transactions through the Tor network, providing an additional layer of privacy by masking IP addresses.

5. Send and Receive Bitcoin:

Wasabi Wallet allows users to send and receive Bitcoin like any other wallet. However, the privacy-focused features, such as CoinJoin, contribute to making transactions more private and less traceable.

6. UTXO Control:

Users have granular control over their Unspent Transaction Outputs (UTXOs), allowing them to manage and select specific outputs for CoinJoin transactions, further enhancing privacy.

7. Hardware Wallet Support:

Wasabi Wallet supports integration with hardware wallets, allowing users to enhance the security of their private keys by using a hardware device for key management.

8. Chaumian CoinJoin:

Wasabi Wallet utilizes the Chaumian CoinJoin variant, enhancing privacy through the use of blind signatures during the CoinJoin process.

Security Considerations:

While Wasabi Wallet emphasizes privacy, users should still adhere to general security best practices:

  • Secure Backup: Safely store the mnemonic seed phrase in multiple secure locations.

  • Password Protection: Set a strong and unique password for wallet access.

  • Stay Updated: Keep the wallet software up-to-date to benefit from the latest security enhancements.


Wasabi Wallet is a notable player in the realm of privacy-centric Bitcoin wallets, offering users a tool to enhance the privacy and fungibility of their Bitcoin holdings. With its implementation of CoinJoin, Tor integration, HD wallet support, and open-source development, Wasabi Wallet provides a comprehensive solution for users who prioritize financial privacy in their Bitcoin transactions. As with any wallet, users should stay informed about updates, security best practices, and potential improvements to ensure a secure and private experience with Wasabi Wallet.

Last updated